Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Quick Spark Notes

-Community/interdependent driven
-Be okay with what you're not doing
-Organize procedures now that will make things much easier once it's a habit
-Delegate things when possible and effective
-Efficienct with objects, effective with people
-Upgrade "to do" lists (will go into detail later)
-Invest in yourself, health and skill sets
-Acknowledge your emotions and find the real sources rather than ex. Taking anger out on people closest to you
-Have conversations at different levels (100,1000,10000, etc) I.e. immediate personal discussion, long term goals are different mind sets

Thursday, August 23, 2012

And It Begins

This is my public journey to explore, discuss, debate and test many of the popular time management and productivity methods. Main focus, at least in the beginning, will be the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by  Stephen Covey and Getting Things Done by David Allen as they bring together many habits and methods to make a system. 